
Thursday 10 September 2009

Getting heavier!

I went to face the music at fat class on Saturday and as predicted I gained weight, a total of 2.5 pounds. Even though I was expecting it I was still devastated! After the class my friend Lady B and I went for bacon butties and coffee in Asda. I always cheer my self up with food then feel terrible afterwards, how stupid am I? In the afternoon my hubby and I travelled up to the retreat where he is in mid DIY project hopefully to be completed this weekend. He worked outside in the sunshine and I sat inside reading my magazine looking for inspiration. We drove into the village and bought fish and chips for supper. They were really good and I washed mine down with a large glass of red. I managed to curb my cravings on Sunday, promising myself a "fresh start". I kept within my allocated points allowance all day. Whoopee!

Monday (my favourite day) my good friend BH and I went to our favourite tea shop, where we had our usual fresh cream fruit scone, with strawberry jam and a pot of tea. Wonderful as ever! I do enjoy our Mondays when we put the world to rights willing the other to finish first. I only had a snack in the evening so managed again to keep within my meagre points allowance.

Tuesday I travelled to Reading for a team meeting. First food of the day was a panini courtesy of British Airways. Not too bad but the start of things to come. On arrival at the office we were met with a buffet lunch - not good because when I see it I eat it! There were a good selection of unhealthy wraps and flat breads followed by mini fresh cream cakes. Tuesday evening we all met up in a restaurant and had huge burgers and fries accompanied by a couple of large glasses of wine and followed by McFlurry ice creams. Then back to the hotel and off to bed, my tummy groaning under the strain of all that food.

Wednesday up with the larks and down to the restaurant for a full English breakfast and a pot of coffee then off to the office for part two of the meeting. The only thing keeping us all going was the interest of what the buffet lunch would hold today. We were devastated to find out that there were no cream cakes - they had been replaced by danish pastries! When the food was done so were we and off we travelled back to Heathrow to start our homeward journey. The shopping in terminal 5 is amazing. Harrods, Tiffany, Bulgari to name but a few. I couldn't even manage a cup of coffee I had eaten so much during Tuesday and Wednesday. On the plane I partook of a bottle of red wine but they have stopped providing sandwiches which have now been replaced by nibble packs of seeds and raisins.

Wednesday also saw both of my good friends BH and Lady B travelling off to their respective foreign homes. I hope they both had safe journeys and are having a wonderful time. I am not bitter honest, and its nearly time for me to fly off to USA!

Enough of this rambling, which incidentally has at least stopped me from eating.
Have a good evening all. TTM x

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